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Restorder (Android) - A single restaurant food ordering app.

Restorder (Android) - A single restaurant food ordering app.

$25 Free
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2025-01-14 03:47:25


Restorder is an android app for restaurant owner to show menu to user and user can order food using user friendly application.

Last Update 2025-01-14 03:47:25
Published 2025-01-14 03:47:25
Files Included .apk, .db, .java, .xml, PHP
Software Version Android 8.1, Android 8.0, Android 7.2.x, Android 7.1.x, Android 6.0, Android 5.1.x, Android 5.0, Android 4.4.x
Tags app with admin panel, delivery, food delivery, food delivery with admob, food delivery with promo code, food menu, food order, online food, online payment, restaurant App, restaurant menu