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Mailbox - Webmail based e-mail client module for Perfex CRM

Mailbox - Webmail based e-mail client module for Perfex CRM

Category: Add Ons
$39 Free
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2024-09-06 15:38:57


Ever wanted a web-based client inside Perfex CRM’s admin area, to managing your mails from? We got you covered! By using our module, you will be able to allow your staff members to send/receive/draft/organize e-mails of their IMAP accounts, inside their dashboard.Cool, eh?

It takes only a few seconds to be installed, activated and have a fully working Mailbox client Perfex.

Last Update 2024-09-06 15:38:57
Published 2024-03-01 20:52:32
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework CodeIgniter
Software Version PHP 7.x
Tags client, codeigniter, codeigniter module, email, mail client, module, modules, perfex, perfex crm, perfex module, perfex modules, php mail client, plugin, web client, webmail